Who am I, you may ask?

The beginning. 

As an impressionable adolescent, I imagined myself as a therapist. I worked my way through a B.S. in Psychology at the University of Georgia only to find out that that profession doesn’t quite jive with me. Mainly because I’m an instigator, not a fixer. So plot twist, I earned another degree in Psychology! Only this time it was a M.A. in Forensic Psychology. That’s right, my friends. I’m an official crime fighter, psycho-analyzing criminals everywhere! I landed a dream job as a Digital Forensics Intelligence Analyst where I’ve spent most of my adult life pretending I’m the heroine, saving my community like the keyboard warrior I am. In reality, I’m a professional creeper. What’s a girl to do but embrace it?

The middle. 

Somewhere along the way, I realized that real-life crime fighting didn’t always have the happy endings I imagined and wanted to write books that had a different outcome. One where characters embody the real-life struggles of my readers (and myself, because life leaves no one unscathed), all while extending the hand of hope.  

The ending? 

After spending my life in the suburbs of Atlanta, I’d had enough of wiling away my days in traffic and cursing the incessant heat that lays over my state like a wet blanket. Instead, I began roaming forests and staring at distant mountains as I began dreaming of a new adventure. One that ended with my books on shelves, my name printed on the cover in gilded letters, and me traveling to far-off lands, looking for inspiration and ogling the wonders of the world. Of course, this is just the start of the end. My story is still being written. 

But, I have a feeling, it’ll be the greatest journey yet.

Other fun facts! 

Let’s Stay in Touch!!